miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2007

Hi there!

Welcome partners and students! It's a great pleasure you're here visiting my blog. I create this blog to share information about my clases, students and some activities I've done.

2 comentarios:

Victor Hugo Rivera dijo...

Hello my dear friend!
You are part of a new era of English teachers in the State of Mexico applying this kind of resources for promoting learning on students. Congratulations!
There are other comments I would like to share with you but I´ll wait for a chance face to face.
Víctor Hugo Rivera Carro.
P.S. Your blog looks nice!

M. en C. Hilda Santillan Vargas dijo...

This space is nice and good, so Id like obtain more information about some classes because, this year is going to be my first as a teacher, perhaps Idonot if first or second grade no yet, I believe that my mayor finished soon my schedule...
congratulations, I like it